case 9 : 75F Altered sensorium with motor weakness



 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment

Chief complaints 

75 year old  Presented in unconscious state with a history of hanging (given by the attendants)which needed immediate intubation. GCS was E1V1M3.

History of presenting illness

1)Chronic complaints of shortness of breath and cough since 10 years

2)intermittent symptoms of pain since 10years

3)1 and half month back complaints of fever and shortness of breath ,was diagnosed with TB. On anti tuberculosis medication since then.

4) No history of orthopnea, pedal edema and vomitings.

Past history

Known case of Asthma since 10 years. She used inhaler.

Not a known case of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, epilepsy, coronary artery disease, cerebro vascular disease.

Diagnosed with koch's bacillus 1 and half month ago.

Personal history



Bowel and bladder:regular 


General examination

The patient was unconscious on presention.

Pallor:absent, icterus:absent, clubbing :absent, cyanosis: , lymphadenopathy: absent.

GCS: 3/15 E1V1M3

PUIPILS: Unequal size

Before intubation:

BP: 90/60mm hg,   PR: 101bpm , CVS:S1 S2 heard   , RS: B/L wheeze   ,temp: 100.2f; GRBS:213 mg/dl

ABG: pO2: 77 mmhg

Patient on MV Settings: 

FiO2: 100, PEEP: 5cm hg, Vt :300ml, RR: 14bpm.

After intubated: 

BP:100/80,  PR:120, CVS: S1 and S2 heard,  RS: B/L coarse crepts 

ABG:  pO2:301mmhg


Patient on sedation

On 9/6  at 10am on admission

                                    Right                    left


Power        U/L          3/5                         1/5

                    L/L           1/5                         3/5


Reflex                      biceps:absent    ,triceps: absent  ,                                   supinator: absent,  knee jerk:                                            absent;  ankle jerk: absent;                                             plantars:

On 10/6/21  at 8:00am

                                       Right                    left

Tone                              none                     none

Power        U/L          0/5                         0/5

                    L/L           0/5                         0/5


Reflex                      biceps:absent    ,triceps: absent  ,                                   supinator: absent,  knee jerk:                                            absent;  ankle jerk: absent;                                             plantars:

 At 9:15 am 10/6
Patient went into sudden cardiac arrest without any recordable BP/PR  sPO2 30% on FiO2 100% of ACMV.
CPR was initiated according to the 2015 AHA GUIDLINES.     





blood culture


chest X-ray

HIV, Rtpcr for COVID19, HbsAg


Altered sensorium secondary to hanging 

Or tuberculous meningitis.

  Treatment :

1) IV 0.9 NS , RL and DNS continuous infusion, 100ml/hrs

2) Inj PAN 40mg IV OD

3) RT feed protein powder

4) ATT FDS (HRZE) 2 tab/ RT/ OD

5) Inj MIDAZOLAM 10gm in 40ml NS, 12.5 ml/hr,         continuous infusion 

6) GRBS charting 6th hourly

7) Temperature charting 4th hourly and tepid sponging

8) T. PCM 60mg/TID/RT

9) Strict I/O charting

10) monitor BP, PR, RR

11) Inj MANNITOL 100ml/IV/STAT

12) Inj AUGMENTIN 12mg/IV/OD

Under the guidance of Dr. Rashmitha and Dr. Vamsi General medicine PGs.


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