
Showing posts from August, 2024

Rare cases

suspected budd chiari 1.  myxedma coma 2.  post covid sequale 3.  Cushing syndrome 4.  yellow phosphorous poisoning 5.  ?MISC acute fulminant liver failure 6.  leptospirosis weils disease 7.  black fungus vs herpes vs MRSA 8.  Pan hypopitutarism 9.  kartageners 10.  dermatomyositis 11.  multiple myeloma 12.  neurobechets disease 13.  neurodegenerative disorder 14.  chorea 15.  downs syndrome 16.  PFAPA 17.  Paraplegia 2 to Mets 18.  multiple myeloma 19.  SLE 20.  pancytopenia ?celiac ds 21.  LETM, NsMO 22.  HIV & LN 23.  coccidian parasites in HIV pt stool 24.  MCTD - SS - MIZUTANI 25.  flare SLE, LIBMANN SACHS, APLA 26.  strongyloides stercoralis HIV pt 27.  suspected Arsenic poisoning 28.  complicated malaria 29.  hodgkins lymphoma  30.  addisons disease 31.  capillaria Phillipinensis diarrhea 31.  Giardia diarrhea 31.  male with SLE and raynauds 32.  Huntington chorea ( involuntary movements) 33.  male with Huntington chorea ( inv. movements) 34.  soft tissue Tumor of LL 35.  NC